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On Steroids

Trusted by the world's best

WordPress Extras

WordPress Extras provides a range of specialized services designed to enhance and optimize your WordPress-based website. From fine-tuning performance to adding advanced functionalities, our team is here to help you unlock the full potential of your online presence.

Proactive Monitoring

No more downtime worries! We monitor your sites around the clock, quickly fix them if they go down and send you an in-depth report once everything is resolved. (HOSTED SITES ONLY)

Site Speed Optimization

Our experts will work on your site to achieve Google PageSpeed scores of 90+ on desktop and 75+ on mobile. (7-DAY GUARANTEE)

Malware Removal

If your site is hacked or infected with malware, our experts will meticulously clean your website and set up optimal security configurations. (7-DAY GUARANTEE)

How It Works

Step1: You select and purchase one of our expert services.

Step2: We’ll create a system ticket specifically for your site.

Step3: Our expert team starts working on your site immediately.

7-Day guarantee

To give you added peace of mind, if any further problems should occur within 7 days of our speed optimization and malware services being completed, we will fix them entirely free of charge.


Our pricing costs less than hiring your own agents

Get started now, and stay ahead of competition!

Proactive Monitoring​

$ 14 Monthly

Site Speed Optimization

$ 500 One-Time

Site Malware Removal

$ 350 One-Time

Ready to Put your WordPress on Steroids?

let us do the magic secrets for your site